Friday, November 16, 2007

Why is Wastewater Reuse Important to Kendall County?

for a pdf copy of this article click on the following link:
Water Conservation and Reuse, The Value of Wastewater

Executive Summary
The key to water conservation is reuse. Reusing water already paid for reduces overall cost. Reuse would aid in lowering peak demands and therefore would reduce the cost of providing a basic water supply.

In Boerne it would lower the demand on groundwater used for peaking, effectively increasing both quality and quantity of groundwater throughout Kendall County.

In a typical development, if 407,313,750 gallons (1,250 acre feet) of water were used, then 372,000,000 (1,141 acre feet) would be estimated as wastewater return flow. The cost of treated water from GBRA is about $750.00 an acre foot. In this case, the value of available reuse water from return flow each year would more than $850,000.

A report produced for the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) exploring the concept of a building two regional wastewater facilities to serve eastern Hays County, identified significant reduction in water demand through treated effluent reuse. Most notable is the recognition that it is most beneficial where both need and source are close.

The study made a direct comparison to the State recommended strategy of using large regional plants to one that featured smaller multiple plants. Analysis showed the Multiple Plants Model provided the lowest cost per housing unit and the highest reuse.

The Boerne Master Plan notes Physical Growth/Expansion Trends. In all directions, health and safety issues dictate the need reliable and affordable wastewater service for residents within the City limits.

In 2004, an initial needs assessment was conducted for the City by HDR Engineering, Inc. The wastewater capacity required was based on the population estimates at full build out within the city limits over a 20 year planning period and was limited to the population served by the water supply of the City. The estimated capacity required was 2.5 MGD.

However, a new demand from Esperanza appears to have had significant influence in the preferred site selection for a new facility that could be expanded to 3.9 MGD. This factor must be considered when deciding who pays for this extra capacity and where to put it.

Finally, the City should take the lesson of others in the area and move away from considering the use of large, regional plants. Though they may work well in densely populated urban areas, they are not suitable for the Hill Country.

Instead, support the continued use of the Multiple Plant Model to increase both quality and quantity of both surface and groundwater throughout Kendall County.

Water Conservation and Reuse in Kendall County
The State Water Plan factors conservation into future water availability for all Texans.
Water conservation offers significant advantages to we who live in Kendall County as well. The key to water conservation is reuse.

Reusing water already paid for reduces overall cost. Reuse would aid in lowering peak demands and therefore would reduce the cost of providing a basic water supply.

In Boerne it would lower the demand on groundwater used for peaking, effectively increasing both quality and quantity of groundwater throughout Kendall County.

You Can’t Manage What Can’t Count
Usually it’s water availability that drives the news when it comes to growth. Lately, the topic has shifted to the equally important task of processing the water after it’s been used.

The basic factors used to determine the size of a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) are prescribed by the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality (TCEQ). It’s a simple worksheet called a Developers Bond Application Report Format (BARF).

These step-by-step instructions are provided to water districts as they prepare their bond application for submittal to the TCEQ. The BARF explains basic water requirements.

The common denominator is the Equivalent Single-Family Connection or ESFC. One ESFC is equal to a typical detached single-family house. Furthermore, “Unless otherwise justified by usage data or required by applicable rule, law or regulatory requirement, an ESFC is equivalent to a single-family residence with 3.0 persons.”

To get an idea of what this means to a development’s wastewater, as well as water needs, consider this TCEQ guidance: “Unless a local governmental authority requires otherwise, or unless otherwise established, an ESFC is defined as 360 Gallons Per Day (GPD) for average water usage and 300 GPD for average wastewater return flow.”

In order to account for all non-residential (commercial) connections and all multi-family residential (apartments) connections must be expressed in ESFCs using actual metered average water usage. If not yet available, projected water usages would be considered. To get this number, you could simply use the ESFC GPD factor described above.

In this case, the average return flow would be about 10,000 gallons per month of wastewater for a single-family residence. A commercial building using an average of 100,000 gallons per month of wastewater would be rated at 10 ESFCs.

As a practical example, Esperanza promises to provide all the water it will need through a Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) contract of 1,250 acre feet of surface water from Canyon Lake.

In simple math, this could yield 3100 ESFCs. This would seem reasonable to meet the basic needs (minus peaking) of the advertised 2,480 single family homes and leaves additional capacity for multi-family residential and commercial connections.

It also means of the 407,313,750 gallons (1,250 acre feet) used, 372,000,000 (1,141 acre feet) would be estimated as wastewater return flow. The cost of treated water from GBRA is about $750.00 an acre foot. In this case, the value of available reuse water from return flow each year would more than $850,000.

Maximizing a Re-use System
By United States Geologic Survey (USGS) definition, return flow is water that is returned to surface or ground water, after use or wastewater treatment, and thus becomes available for reuse. Return flow can go directly to surface water, directly to ground water through an injection well or infiltration bed, or indirectly to ground water through septic systems.

A key feature of the Esperanza development is the intent to save water through reuse. A report produced for the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) exploring the concept of a building two regional wastewater facilities to serve eastern Hays County, identified significant reduction in water demand through treated effluent reuse. Most notable is the recognition that it is most beneficial where both need and source are close.

Perhaps more importantly, the study made a direct comparison to the State recommended strategy of using large regional plants to one that featured smaller multiple plants. In the final analysis, the Smaller Multiple Plants provided the lowest cost per housing unit, as well as highest amount of reuse.

Additionally, the potential for reuse with the Multiple Plant Model would also aid in lowering peak demands and therefore would reduce the cost of providing a basic water supply. In a conjunctive water system like that of Boerne, it would lower the demand on groundwater used for peaking, effectively increasing both quality and quantity of groundwater throughout Kendall County.

Finding a Site for a Wastewater Treatment Plant
When designing a WWTP an engineer’s best friend is gravity. More gravity means less the cost. Seen from above, creek beds are logical indicators of the gravity flow. In this case, page 2-15 of the Boerne Master Plan gives a quick view of these creek systems.

The rolling terrain in and around Boerne allows for quick and sudden drainage of storm water. The fallen water, pulled by gravity, runs down elevation until it reaches the extensive creek system that is located throughout Boerne. Figure 2-19 shows the extensive creek system in Boerne. All of the creeks eventually converge into Cibolo Creek.

Viewing this page presents many options for placement of a WWTP. The confluence of Brown’s Creek and Cibolo Creek is one. The drainage anywhere upstream of this confluence gives an indication of other possible locations.

Less desirable locations can be accommodated through engineering solutions such as lift stations currently used around Boerne, but this increases costs.

Meeting the Wastewater Needs of Kendall County
Throughout Kendall County, several examples of the Multiple Plant Model application already exist. Tapatio Springs Resort is one. Another is Cordillera Ranch. This WWTP is built to GBRA specifications. When complete, it will be operated by GBRA. Both make good use of treated wastewater for irrigation onsite.
Another example is Kendall County Water Control and Improvement District (WCID) No. 1. This water district provides potable water to customers in the Comfort area and recycled water for irrigation of the adjacent golf course.

Clearly, several smaller facilities are more efficient than one large facility. In part this reflects economy of scale. Though economy of scale is a recognized cost factor for water supply systems, the same cannot be said for wastewater systems.

Meeting the Wastewater Needs of Boerne
The City of Boerne’s WWTP on Esser Road currently serves areas only the within City limits. The last expansion was completed just over 10 years ago. The following chronology is useful.

In 1996, it was expanded to the current permitted capacity of 1.2 Million Gallons per Day (MGD). It was designed to be expanded to a capacity of 2.4 MGD based on the current effluent discharge permits.

In 2001, City Staff became aware the WWTP was nearing its maximum capacity. By 2004, population increases and the corresponding residential and commercial customers, as well as increased infiltration and inflow from rainfall, the plant reached 75% of capacity. This triggered State requirements for a redesign.

In 2004, an initial needs assessment was conducted for the City by HDR Engineering, Inc. The wastewater capacity required was based on the population estimates at full build out within the city limits over a 20 year planning period and was limited to the population served by the water supply of the City.

From these projections it was determined the ultimate capacity needed was 3.9 MGD. Note: A recent two part story in the Boerne Star acknowledged the ultimate capacity could as high as 5.4 MGD.

In 2005, based on a 3.9 MGD capacity, the City Council authorized City Staff to explore an expansion of the existing site to 2.4 MGD and proceed with the acquisition of a second site for a WWTP.

In July 2007, the Preliminary Wastewater Process and Site Evaluation Report by HDR Engineering, Inc. notes six sites were actually evaluated by City Staff and HDR. But this was after the "City" decided to evaluate locations to support a new (or replacement) wastewater treatment plant that could be expanded beyond 2.4 MGD instead of operating two facilities perpetually.

Ultimately, an upgrade to the existing facility was deemed too expensive. However, this was based in part on questionable water test data collected during drought conditions. Funding for a new test was approved by City Council in October. The results will not be known for at least a year.

This explains how a single WWTP, ultimately capable of processing 3.9 GPD, expandable to 5.4 MGD, came to be. It also serves to explain the location because a facility this large would now also be subject to a small number of possible sites.

Given these basic facts, it is legitimate to ask if all options for a waste water treatment are on the table when meeting the current and future wastewater needs of Boerne.

Future testing could show a 2.4 MGD is feasible at the existing location. Infrastructure improvements could lessen the impact of seasonal rains. In both cases, a smaller facility, consistent with the Small Plant Model, could be best suited for future customers beyond the City limits.

Other Wastewater Needs of Boerne
The Boerne Master Plan notes Physical Growth/Expansion Trends on page 2-12. In all directions, health and safety issues dictate the need reliable and affordable wastewater service for residents within the City limits.

“The City of Boerne is currently expanding in all directions. Although major growth and expansion is occurring along I-10 in a southern direction, significant growth and expansion is occurring north, east, and west along the major roadway corridors. Figure 2-18 illustrates the current growth trends. It is anticipated that future development will continue to occur in these general outward directions.”

To the north is the Adler extension and Main Street to I-10 where commercial and industrial development is increasing.

West of I-10 at Cascade Caverns is the newly annexed Isbell Ranch as well as the Miller tract.

Also west of I-10 toward Boerne Lake are developments along Ranger Creek Road. These existing developments have experienced significant health and safety issues related to wastewater and water. New services could replace degraded septic systems and failing wells.

Moving east on State Highway 46 is Esperanza where a high residential demand for City wastewater may be created in the near future.

Each of these growth corridors is well suited to be served by the Smaller Multiple Plan wastewater concept. Additionally, this strategy could reduce water costs and lessen demand.

Meeting the Wastewater Needs of Esperanza
It is this new demand from Esperanza that appears to have had significant influence in the preferred site selection for a new facility that could be expanded to 3.9 MGD.

This resulted in the logical, but incompatible placement of a new WWTP at the confluence of the Cibolo and Menger Creeks, in the heart of the Cibolo Nature Center.

Because the site selection was justified as the lowest cost option for City of Boerne rate payers, it is also proper to consider the financial capability available to Kendall County WCID No. 2 and the developer of Esperanza.

Typically, these water districts take on the responsibility to finance, maintain and operate the water and sewer plants, the water distribution, as well as wastewater collection and drainage systems, for their customers within their boundaries.

For a developer, the most important aspect is their ability to issue tax-free municipal bonds to partially finance the construction of water, sewer and drainage utilities. These bonds are approved by the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality (TCEQ) with tax and debt limitations much more attractive than those offered to cities.

Recommendation: Marlin Atlantis and partners should consider constructing a wastewater collection, processing and re-use distribution system using Kendall County WCID No. 2, on site at Esperanza.

This would reduce the demand, and cost, to the City for wastewater. It would reduce peak demand and save groundwater permitted for the City of Boerne. Finally, it could eliminate the need for a new site on Cibolo Creek.

Compromise on both sides could lay the foundation for the success of Esperanza and allow Boerne to prosper without sacrificing those institutions and natural resources that contribute so greatly to our quality of life and make this community so unique.

Negotiations for a Development Agreement between the City and Esperanza are underway. Should the City opt to take on this additional demand, it is imperative wastewater reuse be not just considered, but become a mandatory feature.

The Bottom Line
The City should do all possible to preserve the capital investment previously made in the current WWTP. This includes the potential cost savings by modernizing the entire network of the existing infrastructure to reduce inflow and infiltration. The money saved through the integration of reuse water must be an integral part of any financial analysis.

The wastewater treatment management strategy of even ten years ago has changed dramatically. Keeping unit cost to the rate payer low is a top priority, but also be aware current available water resources are finite. Conservation is the name of game today.

In anticipation of major future growth, the City of Boerne has acted proactively to secure more water. The same proactive approach could easily be applied to wastewater treatment. The ultimate goal would be to adopt a Land Use Master Plan that incorporates reuse as a standard development tool.

The City should take the lesson of others in the local area and move away from considering the use of large, regional plants. Though they may work well in densely populated urban areas, they are not suitable for the Hill Country. Instead, support the continued use of the Multiple Plant Model. This is the best way to maximize the potential for reuse.

In future applications, this use of a small plant systems and reuse would aid in lowering peak demands and therefore would reduce the cost of providing a basic water supply to all customers.
In a conjunctive water system like that of Boerne, it would lower the demand on groundwater used for peaking, effectively increasing both quality and quantity of groundwater throughout Kendall County.

Milan J. Michalec
11 Nov 07

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Are we ready for growth?

It seems that all discussion by elected local government officials regarding growth in Kendall County lead to one conclusion: “Growth is coming and nothing can stop it.” Special interest groups publicly vilify anyone for even questioning this foregone conclusion.

It’s hard to believe this is what the majority of the citizens in Kendall County want. If they did they, wouldn’t be living here. Certainly long time residents do not want growth to affect their property and their way of life. Clearly, new residents don’t want it to change that much either; otherwise they wouldn’t have moved here in the first place. Local residents enjoy the small town atmosphere, away from the hustle and bustle of dense urban living.

There has been a lot of hoopla regarding the financial benefits to the local residents through reduced taxes and lower utility rates. It’s highly questionable that the residents will benefit at all, and just as likely that the taxes and utility rates will go up. However, if rapid dense development is in fact a forgone conclusion, the residents of this county should expect their elected local government officials to be mindful of their health and safety before concentrating on filling the developers pockets with profits, and their coffers with property taxes.

Health and Safety and Quality of Life are tremendously important issues for the public, but for some reason they are not even being discussed. Quality of Life is easy to define by a few simple questions: Do you enjoy feeling safe in your home? Do you enjoy feeling safe walking downtown in the evening? Do you enjoy driving to and from work free of traffic jams? Do you like being able to find parking place downtown and enjoy the beautiful little shops? Do you enjoy the quiet country atmosphere and the wildlife? Do your children enjoy our excellent school system? Do you enjoy the beautiful pristine Hill Country Rivers, streams and scenery? Do you want all of this to change? These are just a few Quality of Life Issues; I’m sure you can think of a few more.

Health and Safety is arguably the most critical issue. Mass development dramatically changes our environment, and can threaten the health and safety of the general public if not properly controlled. State agencies like the TCEQ have proven to be completely ineffective and disinterested, so it is up to our local government to protect us. The current City Ordinances and County rules are designed for rural low populated areas. If we are destined to live in a densely developed urban community, then our County rules and City Ordinances must be modified now to regulate this inevitability. These ordinances and rules must be in place before the development onslaught is in full stride.

Issues like impervious cover, flood control, water resources, water quality, and wastewater discharge are gravely important when faced with massive development. If huge wastewater treatment plants are to be constructed as proposed, the discharge from these plants need to be carefully analyzed for the environmental impact. Our County and City leaders should look to the highly urban areas in the state for guidance. They have had to deal with massive development and know first hand what problems lurk.
Highly urban cities like the City of Austin and counties like Travis have had to address these issues head on. Our City and county leaders must be proactive, they cannot simply just “let it happen” and be sorry later for the problems that result.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Is Limiting Growth Bad?

Political cartoon used with permission of John Branch SA-Express News.

One community in California has no regrets. See following article. Published in The New York Times October 9, 2005

BLESSED with a quaint downtown and some of the most impressive scenery on the Pacific coast, this town is largely unknown even in San Francisco, just 20 miles south. To keep that from changing, residents have a habit of tearing down highway signs that so much as mention Bolinas.The same urge to remain pristine has led to one of the most extreme anti-growth policies in the nation.
For more than 30 years, Bolinas has refused to authorize a single new water meter, needed for hooking up to the town water supply. There are now 580 meters - the same as in November 1971, when the moratorium began. That has made water meters the most valuable currency in town. And so late last month, a water meter was auctioned for $310,000. For that, the buyer didn't get a house, or even land on which to build a house - just the right to hook up to the municipal water supply, which comes from the Arroyo Honda, a spring-fed creek about five miles north of town. "It's unbelievable that someone would have to pay that kind of money just to get water - in America," said Lorenzo Martinez, who runs a construction business in Bolinas, but said he can't afford to own a house there.Then he added: "But if I had the money, I would have bought the meter myself. This is the place I'd like my daughter to grow up."The auction might seem to be an example of profiteering, except that it was conducted by the nonprofit Bolinas Community Land Trust, which received the meter when the county condemned a house in town. The group has promised to use the money to finish turning an old service station in the center of town into affordable housing.
The water meter's new owner is Steve Hodge, a stonemason with a 4-year-old daughter who owns a plot of land in town and hopes to build a house there. Mr. Hodge was the high bidder, but Don Deane, a member of the land trust board, said that the board might have picked him over "some big fat high-roller, with plans to build a 20,000-square-foot house." The irony of the sale by a nonprofit group is not lost on residents in this community of 1,600. "The water meter money is being used for affordable housing, but the reason there's so little affordable housing in the first place is the water meters," said Dieter Tremp, an artist who lives in Bolinas.
Mr. Tremp was one of a dozen locals having dinner on a recent Thursday at the Coast Café, opposite Smiley's saloon and down the block from the Bolinas People's Store, an organic food market where customers arrive with their own paper bags. The look in town is pure 1960's. Children are barefoot and dreadlocked; grown-ups wear tie-dyes and hemp. Peace signs are everywhere, including the estate of Susie Tompkins Buell, the fabulously wealthy founder of the Esprit clothing company. Her peace sign, which is about five feet high and hangs on a barn on her property, lights up at night.
But if Bolinas is a place where in many ways time has stood still, real estate prices have not. According to B. G. Bates, a real estate broker, the seven houses on the market right now range in price from $920,000 to $8 million. The $920,000 property is a 1,200-square-foot cottage on less than one-fifth of an acre.Even the likelihood that a house will fall into the ocean doesn't deter buyers. A house on an escarpment that geologists say is likely to collapse within the next 10 years just sold for $650,000, according to Ms. Bates. The buyer bought a separate plot of land, in another part of town. That way, if the house becomes uninhabitable, he'll have a place to connect his water meter.
As in many upscale American communities, workers - including teachers, firefighters and police officers - say they can't afford to live among the people they serve. Mr. Tremp said the price established by the water meter auction is a stark reminder of the affordability gap. "There aren't too many jobs in Bolinas that will let you buy a half a million dollar water meter," he said. "It's very unfortunate."On the other hand, "if there weren't growth controls, this would be just another huge suburb," said his wife, Lauren Pollak, a local elementary school teacher. She added: "It's a huge dilemma."The dilemma caused controversy among the seven members of the land trust board. Mr. Deane, publisher of the liberal-leaning Coastal Post (a front page headline for September's issue was, "Bring the Troops Home") and the owner of Smiley's, is one of the few board members who will talk to the news media. (Others say that any publicity can only bring more people to Bolinas.) According to Mr. Deane, the water meter auction was "divisive." "Some people said, 'If you're for affordable housing, how can you sell a water meter for that much money?' " he said "We're happy to have this behind us."Still, the board had hoped to get more than $500,000 for the meter. Now it will have to raise more money to finish the garage project. The building, already partly occupied, contains two apartments for families, three live-work spaces, and three single-room occupancy units. The moratorium on new water meters was the direct result of an oil spill off Bolinas in January 1971. Thousands of people poured into Bolinas to help scrub cormorants, murres, scoters, grebes and loons that had been coated in oil. According to the Bolinas Community Public Utility District Web site, some of the new arrivals "liked what they saw and they stayed." "Educated, activist, oriented toward the countercultural, they understood the political process," the history said. In late 1971, their candidates gained a majority on the district's board and almost immediately imposed the moratorium.
In 1982, the Pacific Legal Foundation in Sacramento brought suit to overturn the moratorium, which it claimed violated the rights of property owners. The town, claiming water was scarce, prevailed in the suit, but only after spending nearly $2 million on legal fees. Since then, Mr. Deane said, the moratorium has never been in danger. And that means Bolinas is likely to remain a place where anyone with a water meter is wealthy. Ms. Bates, who moved here from Syracuse in 1974, said she recently received an unsolicited offer for her house "that would have allowed me to never work again." When she turned it down, Ms. Bates recalled, "The broker who brought me the offer kept saying, 'Do you know what you're doing?' " But, Ms. Bates said, "Bolinas is home. I thank my lucky stars every morning that I live here.
"Mr. Deane said: "Thirty-four years ago, I was opposed to the moratorium. But it preserved this community. Maybe it's a case where the ends justify the means."