Friday, February 29, 2008

Power to the People

The Initiative, Referendum and Recall.

In political terminology, these tools enable citizens to bypass their government by creating new laws, nullifying existing laws, and removing elected officials. The first state to adopt these tools was South Dakota in 1898. Since then, 23 other states have included them in their constitutions, the most recent being Mississippi in 1992. Unfortunately, Texas is not one of those states, however the City of Boerne’s Home Rule Charter does provide these powerful tools for its voting citizens.

The Initiative allows the voters the power to propose ordinances to the Council. If the Council fails to adopt an ordinance the voters have the power to adopt or reject it in a City election

The Referendum allows the voters the power to require reconsideration by the Council of any adopted ordinance. If the Council fails to repeal the ordinance, the voters have the power to approve or reject it at a City election.

The Recall allows voters to petition for recall of the Mayor or any member of the City Council, and thereby remove him from office.

When it is clear the Boerne City Council is not representing the desires of the majority of its citizens, these powerful tools should be seriously considered.


Anonymous said...

Which probably explains why the powers that be, including those who either made calls or ran to Austin to show their support for Esperanza's water district, along with Esperanza's legal minds, made sure that the development agreement didn't go through the ordinance process.
No public hearings and no referendum.

Anonymous said...

May be there should be an ordinance prohibiting this "under the table" type of agreement from happening again. An initiative could be the way to create this ordinance.