We have been told Kendall County is in the middle of the worst drought in many years. Well levels are at historic lows, Boerne Lake is rapidly becoming a mud puddle and Canyon Lake (the source of GBRA water) is at a historically depleted level.
Yet last week the City Council voted reduced watering restrictions, and the Cow Creek Groundwater District Board voted to disregard its own rules and permit using millions of gallons of groundwater for a golf course.
What are our elected officials telling us? We're in a serious drought, but now its OK for some to begin using massive amounts of water?
Yet last week the City Council voted reduced watering restrictions, and the Cow Creek Groundwater District Board voted to disregard its own rules and permit using millions of gallons of groundwater for a golf course.
What are our elected officials telling us? We're in a serious drought, but now its OK for some to begin using massive amounts of water?
Is the drought a serious issue or not? Our elected officials should be giving us clear guidance and making fair and consistent decisions that make sense.
Jack Wilson
Jack Wilson
What is the purpose of Cow Creek Groundwater District anyway? They refuse small business man 45,000 gallons a month and essentially drove him out of business. While at the same time they give a private golf course three NEW wells and 6.5 MILLION gallons a month (242 acre-feet). They even IGNORED their own drought regulations regarding golf courses and let them water, in the middle of the worst drought this County has faced in many years.
Is the real purpose of this organization to make decisions favoring the rich and powerful at the expense of the rest of us? If so, its time this bunch packs their bags and goes home.
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